Sunday, January 9, 2011

Just Life

Sometimes it feels like life is

Rushing by so fast,

And other times

It feels like it can’t go fast enough.

Sometimes it is as though everything is


And during those spectacular little moments,

Life is flying by so quickly that there isn’t

Enough time,

To fully appreciate the joy that you feel.

Then there are those other times,

When things are at there lowest.

When you are frustrated by the slow-moving tides

Of your days,

And angry at the fact that there isn’t a

Gas pedal

To help you speed through those slippery spots when you get


Stuck in a point of your life that you can’t wait

To escape from.

Sometimes I wish that life were like television, you know,

Things would be a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable

If you were able to rewind to those heavenly times,

Fast forward through the rough times,

And pause yourself in those incredible times.

But it isn’t.

Its just life.

Sometimes it is better than you could have ever imagined,

And other times it is as though you feel it cant get any worse.

But, hey,

Its just life.

Enjoy what you get,

Because you only get one run.

There are no second chances,

And there is no eraser on the tip of the pencil

That you use to write your existing story.

Once a mark is made,

It’s there forever.

I know it may seem unfair,

But remember,

That’s just life.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Alicia, Thank-you, your words, thoughts, feelings are beautiful, a welcome home for me, and
    as you say it is life just as it Is, nothing more , nothing less, It Just Is, this is what the whole retreat was about, just being able to see things as they are, aware of awareness itself. If you feel inclined, check out Lama Surya Das at Google, on you tube, over an hour of teachings, i think you will like it. thank you again, love ~bill
